La Junta de Andalucía y Microsoft explorarán la aplicación de la Inteligencia Artificial para la mejora de los servicios al ciudadano

Ambas entidades analizarán posibles casos de uso de soluciones de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) Generativa para la mejora de la atención al ciudadano y la simplificación de trámites administrativos. Además, se evaluará la aplicación de la IA a la mejora de la sostenibilidad medioambiental y a la prevención de riesgos asociados al cambio climático. | 30/06/2023 11:09
El presidente de la Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, y el presidente de Microsoft España, Alberto Granados, han mantenido hoy una reunión en Sevilla para explorar posibles líneas de trabajo conjunto en el marco de la Estrategia Andaluza de Inteligencia Artificial 2030, aprobada por el Consejo de Gobierno esta semana. En concreto, la Junta y Microsoft evaluarán la aplicación de tecnologías de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) Generativa en el ámbito de la simplificación administrativa y la transformación de los servicios públicos al ciudadano. Asimismo, se explorarán diferentes posibilidades de desarrollo de soluciones de IA para la mejora de la sostenibilidad medioambiental y la prevención de riesgos asociados al cambio climático.

El encuentro entre Juanma Moreno y Alberto Granados se enmarca dentro de los contactos habituales que mantienen ambas entidades, que se han intensificado desde la firma de un convenio de colaboración, el pasado mes de octubre, para el impulso de la digitalización y el empleo en Andalucía.

Cerca de 3.200 millones de euros adicionales al PIB andaluz

Según un reciente análisis de IDC sobre el impacto económico y social de la nube de Microsoft en Andalucía, Microsoft, las más de 1.500 empresas colaboradoras que conforman su ecosistema de partners en la región y los clientes andaluces que utilizan la tecnología cloud de la compañía, generarán cerca de 3.200 millones de euros adicionales al PIB andaluz entre 2022 y 2025.

El estudio, que revisa las implicaciones a largo plazo y las oportunidades de crecimiento que representa la tecnología cloud de Microsoft para las empresas andaluzas, considera que hasta 2025 se crearán más de 7.000 empleos en la región (incluyendo empleos directos e indirectos) gracias a la extensión en la adopción de las soluciones en la nube. Además, Microsoft, sus partners y sus clientes en Andalucía contribuirán con más de 500 millones de euros hasta 2025 provenientes de la fiscalidad sobre empleos directos e ingresos durante el mismo período.

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  • 1
    Kate Olivia - 08-03-2024 13:28:41

    Hello everyone! I’m Kate Oliver by name a mother of two, and I'm going to share with you all how I got scammed after falling victim to a cryptocurrency investment scam, it all started on the Telegram App when i got added on a Cryptocurrency investment group, then i was following up the informations on the group i noticed some group members actually confirms that they got paid by the platform which they did drop some kind of receipt of them being credited, Well guess they were able to convince me through that.. i never knew that they were all scammers i was meant to believe that my investment is secured and safe with the platform and after investing all my life savings, i got denied every chance to make a withdrawal of my funds when it was due for withdrawal, they swindled me off a sum of $764,000 worth of crypto. It was the saddest moment of my life because I couldn't believe what had happened, I was bankrupt and my credit was damaged. I reported to the authorities and there was nothing they could do to get these scammers or return my money. I thought all hope was lost and was going into depression until I came across an article online about a hacker who could help me recover my funds, at first I thought it was impossible to do that but I realize I had no other choice but to give it a try, to my surprise R O O T K I TS R E C O V E RY F IR M was able to recover all my funds back to my account, i was totally amazed by this team Professional service and i want to put this out there for anyone who might be going through the same situation and have been swindled by this scammers, you can contact R O O T K I TS R E C O V E RY F I R M to help you recover your lost funds. Contact them at ( ROOTKITS 4 @ G MA I L . COM ) and on Telegram; ROOTKITS7

  • 2
    Edwin Amstrong - 06-03-2024 21:48:34

    I'm so happy that i finally i've got to share my own testimony here with y’all, I invested about 400k USDT in an online crypto investment platform. it was a very terrible situation for me as this scammers stole everything that i have invested with the platform, i was so blindfolded with the high return profits they had promised me to get at each unlocked level as an investor but at the end i found out that it was all lies made up to deceive people into investing their funds with them, Well my deepest Gratitude goes to this recovery firm that helped me during all this time, The ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, It is really not advisable to just embrace every investment opportunity that comes your way to avoid being scammed, I fail to this scammers and lost hugely. I always love to invest my money so as to retire early. Unfortunately, I got scammed by binary investment options. i thought that i was dealing with the right team until i requested for my withdrawal after some months of investing but the process got declined, i immediately reached out to the support but later got an email requesting for more funds to be paid into the same wallet i sent my investment to before i could make the withdrawal successfully . that doesn’t sound great to me though but i did sent the funds to them but still couldn’t make the withdrawal. I haven’t felt so empty in my entire life, all effort to withdraw my funds was in vain. After a few weeks, I came across this International Recovery Firm . This firm saved me, they kept me calm and they were professional throughout the whole process of recovery. Unbelievable, I recouped 100% of my money back just in 2 days. this got me really excited and happy again, I’m really thankful to God that persons like this do exist. anyone here who has been through scam can as well contact them to have all their lost recovered, this is their Telegram: ROOTKITS7 and Email: R o o t k i t s 4 @ g m a i l . c o m, i strongly recommended this Firm.

  • 3
    Andrea Jordan - 04-03-2024 20:53:53

    I’m very thankful to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM.. honestly this team was of a great benefits to me and my family. i failed a victim to a fake crypto investment company, its a pity the Lady i met on instagram Mrs Ruth Amelia by name lured me into investing with this company, we actually have been friends for almost a year over on instagram. along the line she mention about this company to me and how she had been earning money from there and did provide me with some sort of proofs and certificate of the company. then seeing all this i went ahead and made a couple of investment with them, at the beginning it was actually going nice but when it was time for me to withdraw my total profits and earnings, they started giving silly excuses regarding the company upgrade, taxes and co as was unable to make the withdrawal successfully. the support was not helping out in anyway as they kept requesting for more money, while all this was happening personally i got really disturb and depressed, a friend of mine who i opened up to in order to lend some money so i could at least pay the fees and have my funds but he then told me that this could be scam that he had a similar experience and advice i should get a hacker which he referred me to the ROOTKITS TEAM. left to me i never believe that could be possible but as it goes i contacted their email: R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , They responded once and i gave them the necessary info they required. to my great surprise they recovered all my frozen investments back for me just within few days i couldn’t be more thankful to this fantastic team, If ever been a victim of crypto or binary scam you can trust Rootkits. I thought there were no such good genuine guys anymore on earth, but this team brought my trust to humanity again. GOD bless you Rootkits you can reach them on Telegram with the user ID ( ROOTKITS7 )

  • 4
    Wessely Gardner - 02-03-2024 09:37:19

    All crypto Mining site seems to be fake and fraudulent, please do not let anyone tell you otherwise or deceive you into mining your crypto.. i have had a very bad experience with two different cryptocurrency mining companies, the second company website collapsed and I was locked out. I sent them a ton of emails and messages as well, but they stopped communicating. I had mined a total of $157,000 worth of bitcoins through their website i ended up loosing every bit of my crypto with this companies, i reported my case to the Police provided every information and details i was asked for.. they actually did their possible best but they scammers seems untraceable as they found out that this companies never existed, i almost went mad at this stage as part of the money i put in this was loaned from the finance institution.. i really have no much idea on what to do next, i went online searching for various techniques to recover my money i then came across pretty good testimonies of victims who had their funds recovered by ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM. Prior to learning about this team , I had eventually given up on ever getting my money back. Without any delay I got in touch with the Team once and provided them with all the information they required, and using the information I gave and out of their professional level they were able to recover all my lost bitcoins within 48 hours they took my case. ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM is a cryptocurrency recovery firm that has been assisting scam victims just like me to retrieve their money. Their quality and assistance is exceptional and I commend their efforts. I am appreciative to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM for their help in recovering back my lost crypto. you can contact them through mail; ROOTKITS4 @ GM A IL . C O M or Telegram: ROOTKITS7 if you are a victim of fraud to recover back your funds

  • 5
    Marlene Moore - 29-02-2024 15:22:26

    I had once had an encounter with a Crypto investment programmed scheme that I thought was going to be a good opportunity to save more funds as well make some profits out of it but unfortunately it turned out to be a Fraudulent company, i had invested a lot of funds into this company without being aware it’s was all scam until when i requested to make withdrawal of some parts of my funds which i had made within the couple months we had partnered together.. Well i got my request to withdrawal declined multiple times.. i had to contact the company costumer support desk but was asked to clear some fees before i could be able to do that, i did cleared the fees that they demanded but still was unable to complete a withdrawal as they kept demanding for more fees, this made me feel so bad and felt really disappointed. i taught all money was lost until I met a life savior on a crypto site who had helped a lot of people recover there stolen funds/coins ( ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM ) I explained my situation to them and they assured me to help me get my money back, I gave it a try and they definitely did a great job, all my money was recovered back into my wallet account just within few days, I don’t really know how they got this done but this is really awesome! I’m writing this to inform more people about crypto scam and also let the ones who had similar issue to contact this Professional team for help and assistance, Telegram; ROOTKITS7 or Email: R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I. L . C O M I’m so grateful to this firm especially for coming through when i needed a help so bad.

  • 6
    Mariana Dustler - 23-02-2024 23:28:54

    HOW I FULLY RECOVERED MY FUNDS FROM CRYPTO SCAMMERS It is truly amazing what you can achieve with the right information. I’m truly grateful for the service of reclaim funds firm , which was able to recover my cryptocurrency funds from fake investment accounts. Losing $284,000 of my hard-earned money was excruciating and devastating when I thought I could earn more from investing in cryptocurrency, not knowing that I had fallen for a scam. I was able to contact Dr WARDELL DORMAN when I did my research online and came across their e-m-a-i-l ; reclaimfundsfirm (@) aol (DOT ) com I saw that reclaimfundsfirm (@) aol (DOT ) com has been helping many victims like me to recover their funds. I’m truly grateful for their service and I commend them for being professional and trustworthy. Their contact information is below E-M-a-i-l: reclaimfundsfirm (@) aol (DOT ) com WhatsApp number: +6590552242

  • 7
    Matt Freeman - 23-02-2024 23:27:17

    STOLEN OR LOST CRYPTOCURRENCY RECOVERY. Can lost Bitcoin be Found or Retrieved? Generally speaking, whether lost bitcoin can be found or not depends on how it was lost. Considering the quantity of missing cryptocurrency out there, people have begun offering services to help recover lost bitcoin. These include data recovery specialists, but you need a professional recovery expert like Mr WARDELL DORMAN to help you get back your lost bitcoin. Contact them to recover lost bitcoin, bitcoin cash, as well as all other forms of cryptocurrency. And you can be sure that no matter how long it has been lost, you will still get your bitcoin worth. Contact their support team for further assistance on their email WhatsApp number: +6590552242 111 N BRAND BLVD. 18TH FLOOR GLENDALE CA 91203

  • 8
    Cahil Patrick - 22-02-2024 09:30:45

    Special Thanks to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM definitely a genuine recovery team.. I still feel like I owe a lot to this team so sharing this information to show more appreciation for what this team had done for me. Firstly i will like to advise anyone going into Binary trading investment to do that with extremely care or rather stay out totally to have avoid making the same mistake others had made, I almost lost all my investment and profits to a company i invested in without knowing I was actually dealing with some sort of scam.., i was introduced to this company by the lady i met over on LinkedIn.. she advised that i join the platform in order to trade and make more profits just from my comfort zone. Well she also claimed that this was the only source of income she had to match up with her extravagant lifestyle so i had to believe her and give it a try. we got going and i invested hugely within the first month so after some awhile i decided to withdraw but noticed the company actually restricted me to withdraw my profits when it’s was due for me, i contacted the company to see what was going wrong but the so called customer support was seeking for a high fee to be paid before my funds could be withdrawn, after i did paid for this fees i was still unable to withdraw my funds but thanks to ROOTKITS RECOVERY TEAM for their assistance and efforts toward this period of time, i was left with no option than to hire this team to help me recover back my funds and luckily enough i met them when i was in research of help online! I count myself lucky honestly to have met them at the right time, they recovered back all my funds directly back to my wallet just few days of being in touch, I also directed my cousin sister who has familiar issue to this team and she equally recovered hers too. If seek for some professional assistance ROOTKITS TEAM will serve you right, the following is the link to his Telegram account ROOTKITS7 and Email: R O O T K I T S 4@ G M A IL . C O M.

  • 9
    Farrell Benedict - 15-02-2024 08:35:54

    Today i’m here to write this review in appreciation of the great help i got from R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R E Y F I R M, i had earlier promised myself that if ever they succeed in recovering my funds back i will also come on here to share my testimony just like others did.. because without their recommendation i wouldn’t be able to get my funds back.. i contacted R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M, via email and got a response from them.. I explained to them how i lost about £518k to a binary company and they assured to be of help. what really prompted me to invest with this platform was the good reviews i read about them. it was actually going well at first, they had me withdraw a small amount and this even made me trust them even more, then i invested more funds till when i was due to make the big withdrawal i then noticed that i wasn’t allowed to do that i then made a complaint to the costumer support desk and instead of them resolving the issue i was asked to make several deposits as “tax” in order to approve my withdrawal. This went on for another two weeks and i had already lost a fortune and it didn’t look like they were going to release anything. That was the moment i realized what i had gotten myself into, it was really depressing for about a month or so before i got in touch with the ROOTKIT team that helped me recover my funds, i didn’t even think it was possible i just had to send a mail to (R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . CO M) as i was directed by someone i confided. I’m so glad they where able to get it back, If i wasn’t lucky enough to have gotten that information, i am sure they would have easily gotten away with ruining me financially. You can get them on Telegram with the user id: ROOTKITS7 they are open to help more victims

  • 10
    Sarah Laipply - 13-02-2024 14:30:26

    SCAMMED MONEYRECOVERY WITH EXNER PRO HACKER (EPH)At times, it admittedly gets tricky choosing financialadvisors, most especially investment advisors. As much as there are legaladvisors around, it is quite hard not wondering why they have not applied thatfinancial prowess for their own good if its quite the key to success. Tapping knowledgeoutside then seems to be the ultimate idea. I had managed to tap into my “Pandorabox”. This guy was doing well as his social media account showed. Giving $950,000out for investment must have taken a load of convincing as expected. And so, I didand the guy simply disappeared. Not even his social media account was anywhereto be found. It got frantic. I immediately knew it was a bad investment. Immediatelystarted seeking help. Well with quite some challenges of finding scamminguntrue hackers. But I finally landed on Exner Pro Hacker (EPH). I’ll simply sayhe deserved a lot of credit by the time he was done. It took 2 days to retrieve$920,000 as the rest had been withdrawn. Thank you once more (EPH). Hit them for their help.

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