La Junta de Andalucía y Microsoft explorarán la aplicación de la Inteligencia Artificial para la mejora de los servicios al ciudadano

Ambas entidades analizarán posibles casos de uso de soluciones de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) Generativa para la mejora de la atención al ciudadano y la simplificación de trámites administrativos. Además, se evaluará la aplicación de la IA a la mejora de la sostenibilidad medioambiental y a la prevención de riesgos asociados al cambio climático. | 30/06/2023 11:09
El presidente de la Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, y el presidente de Microsoft España, Alberto Granados, han mantenido hoy una reunión en Sevilla para explorar posibles líneas de trabajo conjunto en el marco de la Estrategia Andaluza de Inteligencia Artificial 2030, aprobada por el Consejo de Gobierno esta semana. En concreto, la Junta y Microsoft evaluarán la aplicación de tecnologías de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) Generativa en el ámbito de la simplificación administrativa y la transformación de los servicios públicos al ciudadano. Asimismo, se explorarán diferentes posibilidades de desarrollo de soluciones de IA para la mejora de la sostenibilidad medioambiental y la prevención de riesgos asociados al cambio climático.

El encuentro entre Juanma Moreno y Alberto Granados se enmarca dentro de los contactos habituales que mantienen ambas entidades, que se han intensificado desde la firma de un convenio de colaboración, el pasado mes de octubre, para el impulso de la digitalización y el empleo en Andalucía.

Cerca de 3.200 millones de euros adicionales al PIB andaluz

Según un reciente análisis de IDC sobre el impacto económico y social de la nube de Microsoft en Andalucía, Microsoft, las más de 1.500 empresas colaboradoras que conforman su ecosistema de partners en la región y los clientes andaluces que utilizan la tecnología cloud de la compañía, generarán cerca de 3.200 millones de euros adicionales al PIB andaluz entre 2022 y 2025.

El estudio, que revisa las implicaciones a largo plazo y las oportunidades de crecimiento que representa la tecnología cloud de Microsoft para las empresas andaluzas, considera que hasta 2025 se crearán más de 7.000 empleos en la región (incluyendo empleos directos e indirectos) gracias a la extensión en la adopción de las soluciones en la nube. Además, Microsoft, sus partners y sus clientes en Andalucía contribuirán con más de 500 millones de euros hasta 2025 provenientes de la fiscalidad sobre empleos directos e ingresos durante el mismo período.

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  • 1
    Jordi Garcia - 24-10-2023 09:32:16

    I am using this opportunity to commend The ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, I’m Jordi Garcia by name i had been a victim of scam and lost a lot of money to a cryptocurrency investment platform, it was my first time of trying out investment in an online platform but it didn’t turn out well I’d prolly stay off with investing with online platform because here you’re dealing with people you don’t know in real person. i lost a very huge amount of money to a company by name crypto-ndn .com , this company has some fake brokers who by their trick try to scam people that invest with them unfortunately i fell for them, i went some months looking for a way to get back my money back after i got denied severally to withdraw my funds and my profits even when i can view it clearly from my portfolio finally when i told a colleague of mine the whole story, how it all went down he now suggests that I consult a specialist to help me get my money back, i never know such expert do exist until i came online here and i read some reviews about ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, i texted over email R O OT K I T S 4 @ G M AIL . C O M , and they replied me once and gave me some instructions on what to do and details to provide before we kicked off the process, to my greatest surprise they got back all my funds back just the way i sent it out to the scammers wallet addresses, this team are expert in this field I’m happy they came through for me, you can direct your problems to them also if been in such situations like mine. here their Telegram account to contact; ROOTKITS7.

  • 2
    Jürgen Moore - 23-10-2023 14:58:13

    My wife's mother introduced me to this amazing honest hacker that she had worked with to recover her bitcoin after she accidentally sent it to the wrong wallet address when trying to make a payment to someone. When I brought up the topic of me losing money to an online investment in a dinner at my house, she was curious. When I mentioned the issue of me losing money to an online investment, she was intrigued. I contacted Digital Assets Recovery the following morning and gave them the transaction details, the scammers' wallet address, and the website. I was surprised to learn that I had received the first half of my money within just 28 hours, and the remaining funds are being tracked to the second wallet address I used to make the purchase. Digital Assets Recovery has restored my faith in humanity because I had no idea what I might have done with my saved money if I hadn't been successful in getting my money back. I'm incredibly appreciative of the team's work and excellent service. Additionally, I'm making Digital Assets Recovery available for everyone to observe. Digital Assets Recovery contact info below: Email: digitalassetsrecovery(@) Telegram user: @digitalassetsrecovery WhatsApp Number : +393509045646

  • 3
    Recovery Intel - 22-10-2023 23:50:19

    ARE YOU A VICTIM OF INVESTMENT OR NFT SCAM? DO YOU WANT TO INVESTIGATE A CHEATING SPOUSE? DO YOU DESIRE CREDIT REPAIR (ALL BUREAUS)? SCHEDULE A MEETING WITH AN ETHICAL HACKER ASAP TO GET STARTED. ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score. All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock. Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX. Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate. Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker. asorehackcorp @ gmail com Stay Safe out there !

  • 4
    +447475936068 - 19-10-2023 15:35:37

    Recover stolen Bitcoin from Scammers: Congratulations if you have lost money to an investment fraud, whether it has anything to do with cryptocurrency. There is a way to find the culprit and retrieve your money through a, SACLUX COMPTECH SPECIALST is an organization that specializes in dealing with online fraud. It assists in providing a suitable channel for victims to receive their scam cryptocurrency, USDT, Bitcoin and Forex scam victims can now file chargebacks to reverse the transaction they sent to the fraudulent platform, We should stop blaming victims and accusing them of being greedy; I wasn't greedy and I'm pretty smart, but I still fell victim and was only saved by SACLUX COMPTECH SPECIALST. I was fortunate, but there are many other victims out there who have been completely destroyed and are helpless. whatsapp:+44 7475 936068 Viber:+44 7782 645302

  • 5
    Lorenzo Steven - 18-10-2023 13:04:52

    I would like to give credit to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM for their effort devoted in recovering back my lost investment to an online Binary trading company, i had invested a huge amount of funds into this company where i believed my reasons for investing was to save more money as well make some profits as they had promised me earlier before i got committed, but unknowingly to me i was dealing with some fraudulent group of the company they seized my profits when it was right time for me to withdraw, they keep to persuade me to make more investments which i did but still couldn’t withdraw after all. at some point i really do not know what else to do.. I had thought to look out for a hacker who can help me recover back my funds, After a Thorough review, I learned that ROOTKITS can be of help then I reached out to him once via his email contact: R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M, i shared the experience I had with the company to him, then he assured me that my funds is recoverable and we followed the due process.. after a few days i got the exact funds i had invested back to my wallet.. I couldn’t thank this team enough for their professional help, i really do appreciate everything they did to get my funds back. would there be anyone out there who seek for some professional assistance or maybe you’ve had similar issues I think Rootkits Racovery Firm will serve you right the most. they are also on telegram at: ROOTKITS7

  • 6
    Malcolm Gregory - 17-10-2023 17:22:07

    What sets Wizard Web Recovery apart from the rest? It's simple: they approach lost Bitcoin recovery with a fresh perspective and a touch of magic. Unlike traditional methods that may rely solely on technical expertise or brute-force methods, Wizard Web Recovery combines advanced technology, collaboration, and a bit of unconventional magic to achieve extraordinary results. They understand that lost Bitcoin is not just a technical problem but an emotional one as well. Their team of experts combines technical prowess with empathy and a genuine understanding of the impact losing Bitcoin can have on individuals' lives. Communicate with Wizard web recovery to facilitate a quick recovery of your lost bitcoin via: wizardwebrecovery(@)programmer . net or learn more about them via website:

  • 7
    michael - 16-10-2023 23:46:15

    In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, the loss of Bitcoin can be a distressing and all-too-common occurrence. Whether due to human error, technical complications, or cyberattacks, vanishing valuable digital assets can leave individuals feeling helpless and disheartened. However, a groundbreaking solution has emerged amidst the challenges –A1 wizard Hackers . This article delves into the remarkable story of lost Bitcoin and the transformative power of A1 wizard Hackers  in its successful retrieval. By exploring the complexities of Bitcoin loss, understanding the innovative recovery process, and sharing a compelling success story.,we aim to shed light on the effectiveness of A1wizardhackes(@)cyberservices . c om and restore faith in the security and potential of cryptocurrencies. You can simply send an email or whatapp and you will be assisted Email : A1wizardhackes(@) whatsApp : +16784399760

  • 8
    Sidney Byron - 15-10-2023 14:06:16

    Recovering lost Bitcoin is no walk in the park. Besides the obvious challenge of not knowing where your digital treasure is hiding, there are other hurdles to overcome. Privacy and anonymity are paramount in the world of cryptocurrency, and this presents a challenge when it comes to recovering lost funds. The very nature of blockchain technology, designed for security and transparency, can make it difficult to trace and retrieve lost Bitcoin. Furthermore, traditional recovery methods often fall short in their ability to handle the intricacies of lost Bitcoin. Limited options and lack of specialized expertise can leave individuals feeling stranded and hopeless. But fear not, because Adware Recovery Specialist is here to save the day with their unique approach to tackling these challenges head-on. Contact info: Adwarerecoveryspecialist@auctioneer(.)net or ?+1 (937) 500?9144

  • 9
    Vivian Marlena - 14-10-2023 12:21:18

    We got ripped off almost all our asset to a cryptocurrency investment platform, My husband had got in contact with this group of brokers online that has offered him a high interest rate if invest into their company, hubby did shared this with me and ask for my opinion which i had supported him to move ahead without knowing that this company is a fraudulent one and the so called brokers happened to be scammers deceiving innocent individuals into investing with them, after a period of 2months and a few weeks of we trading with this company we then decided to withdraw some part of the funds which we had in there, we had traded with enough capital which earned us a lot of funds from the market, but we noticed we couldn’t successfully make any withdrawal, my husband approached the customer support desk for some assistance as we thought this might be an error from the company server but this wasn’t the case as the company mention for some fees to be cleared before we could make a withdrawal, we did paid this fees and proceeded to withdraw the amount but still couldn’t get the funds withdrawn, we had to let the support who had guided us throughout the process that withdrawal is still not successful, after a while they ask us to pay for a company maintenance fee and assured that withdrawal would be done after that, then we got going and made the payment for the maintenance fee required but withdrawal was still not successfully done after asking the support to help us get through the process they replied and ask for more money, we don’t have more to loose and the whole thing now looks suspicious, we tried to contact the police but they said that’s no chance we could get the money back as its a fraudulent scheme and we have failed to the scam, trying to figure out a way i search for solution online and i read a few comments from individual who recommended ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM as they also included their contact details, i had to let hubby know about this firm and what they have done for people, he then contact them through the telegram id; ROOTKITS7 requesting for help towards our recent lost to the fraudulent crypto trading company the team replied and haven provided them with all the necessary details demanded to execute the task then move ahead with the recovery and on the second day of their service to our great surprise we had all our funds recovered and sent all to our wallet, honestly the moment got me really teary we couldn’t be more thankful than ever as we appreciated the team for what they have done for my family, almost gave up on this when the police said that nothing can be done but thanks to this team who came through and saved us. recommending this team to anyone in such situation as ours you can reach them also on their email with R o o t k i t 4 @ g m a i l . c o m

  • 10
    Margie - 12-10-2023 03:17:53

    When Bitcoin is lost due to forgotten passwords, corrupted hardware wallets, or hacking incidents, individuals often find themselves in distress, unable to regain their digital wealth. In these desperate circumstances, the expertise of a reliable recovery service becomes paramount. Craker cyberdude Recovery has positioned itself as a reputable advocate, providing innovative solutions to restore lost Bitcoin assets. Unlike conventional data recovery specialists, Craker Cyberdude Recovery possesses a unique understanding of the complexities surrounding lost Bitcoin retrieval. Their team of industry experts combines cutting-edge technology with extensive knowledge of blockchain protocols to successfully address various recovery challenges. Utilizing advanced algorithms and meticulous methodologies, the company has consistently provided remarkable outcomes. For a successful recovery of your bitcoin, Craker cyberdude recovery can be reached by:cracker(@)cyberdude . com or visit their home page at: crakercyberdude . space

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